Vendor Insurance Waiver
& Rule Acknowledgement
I have read, understood, and agreed to abide by the 2018-19 rules and regulations posted on 41markets.com. I have met all local, state, and federal health inspections and licensing requirements prior to selling products at Shop Local Productions Events. I do not hold the landlord, Shop Local Productions, or the Market Manager liable for any property damage or personal injury that either I or my representatives may incur while selling at the above events. I accept full financial liability for my actions and all products that either I or my representatives sell at Shop Local Productions Events. I further agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the landlord, Shaked Properties, LLC, Town of Fort Myers Beach, Shops at Surfside, Shop Local Productions, and the Market Managers from and against any and all claims and actions for injury, damage, or loss to persons or property, or other liabilities or expenses whatsoever, including court costs and attorney’s fees, related to or arising out of my or my representatives’ actions and operations with Shop Local Productions Events. I have been informed where to obtain Liability Insurance to mitigate my losses on any damage or injury I or my representatives may cause. I understand breaking these rules could cause dismissal from the market(s) without notice and/or refund.
Vendor Signature
Vendor Printed Name
Business Name, Address & Phone Number
**In lieu of insurance, print, sign and return to market manager prior to setting up at the market.